Living in faith
As a member of LIFT Church,
I will fulfill to the best of my ability the following expectations:
I will worship the One True God with LIFT Church and its members for as long as I am physically able.
I will grow spiritually through attendance of personal devotion, LIFT Church Bible Study, and other LIFT Church group activities. I understand that the purpose of this is to fellowship with other believers and holding each other accountable.
I will serve God through the evangelistic and mission work of LIFT Church. I am created to serve others through good works. I am commanded by God to make disciples of all nations, tribes, people and language through the local assembly. I will support LIFT Church and its efforts to share the Gospel from the local church to te ends of the earth.
I will give abundantly and joyfully, recognizing God as the owner of all things. Giving my time, talent, and treasure as I grow closer to HIM.
I will seek unity with other LIFT Church members. I recognize that God's design for the Church is unity in diversity, and I will place the needs of others as as priority in my life. I will protect the reputation of LIFT Church and will submit to discipline for any sin problem in my life.
I will pray for and submit to the leaders of LIFT Church. I will privately pray and corporately pray for people to accept Christ as their Savior and grow as disciple in HIM.
I will share the Good News of Jesus with others. I will make my attitude that of Christ, and through humility, make the Gospel my priority through selfless, good works, and evangelism.
With Christ as my Lord and Savior, being baptized by Immersion after my salvation, being led by the Holy Spirit, and being in agreement with LIFT Church's covenant, doctrine, and leadership, I joyfully unite with the Church, and commit myself to God and the other members of LIFT Church.